Divorce can be a long and complex matter. The more information that you are able to obtain at the outset of the process, the better prepared you will be to assist your attorney in evaluating your case and place you in a better position to achieve your goals.
Financial Information and Records
Past three (3) years of tax returns for you and your spouse
- Most recent pay stubs for you and your spouse
- Most recent statements of all bank accounts held by you and your spouse- both jointly and individually
- Most recent statements for all investment and retirement/pension accounts
- Most recent credit card statements for all credit cards held by you and your spouse- both jointly and individually
- Most recent mortgage statements
- All documents evidencing ownership of real property- both jointly and individually held
- Complete listing of all assets held jointly or separately and notations as to whether the asset was acquired prior to the marriage
- Complete listing of all debts and liabilities held jointly or separately and notations as to which parties are obligated and the primary party currently making payments
Personal Identification Information
- Passports for yourself and children
- Social Security Card for yourself and children
- Driver's License
- Other identification- military, healthcare, etc
Information Regarding Your Children
- School records- academic reports, disciplinary reports
- Records of monthly childcare expenses
- Journal of potential custody issues:
- Involvement/non-involvement in child's extracurricular activities by you and your spouse
- Travel schedule of you and your spouse
- If separated, any missed visitation by you or spouse
- other issues regarding care of children between you and spouse
- Health and medical records for your children
Insurance Policies
- Current life insurance policy
- Current homeowner's insurance policy
- Current automobile insurance policy
- Current health insurance policy
Other Important Information
- Latest copy of your Will and/or Trust documents
- Any criminal records or current lawsuits pending
- Any reports of domestic abuse or family violence
- Evidentiary documents related to adultery, abuse, or custody issues
- List of email and social networking accounts owned by you and your spouse